Post blog setup using jekyll & chirpy theme

I always wanted my own tech blog. Finally, enough procrastination, and here I am.

As I searched for different ways to set everything up, I thought it would be a good idea to start my first post with the information I gathered along my way.

Wasnโ€™t too difficult, but also not so straight-forward compared to other commercial solutions.

Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜„


  • Mac OS Monterey 12.6.3
  • zshell
  • This tutorial is effective as of January 2024


This tutorial assumes the audience to be familiar with the following concepts/tools.

  • Basic Git Commands (git add, commit, push, pull)
  • Owns a GitHub account

Pick the theme

The greatest advantage of is that you get to cherry-pick the customizable capability of hosting your own web service, and at the same time piggyback on top of well-designed formats.

Before we start, we must pick a theme to piggyback on. Here are some links that have a popular list.

There are many candidates, so it is best if you have a clear standard for your choice. For me, it was:

  • Simple (not so fancy) layout
  • Category field in LNB (Left Navigation Bar)
  • Clean basic font, code font
  • Clean Korean font (as I write Korean posts too)
  • Has an โ€œAboutโ€ page

My final choice was chirpy!

It requires you to have ruby, jekyll, and git.

Install ruby, jekyll

As it turns out, the free world is mostly built with something called jekyll, a package in ruby.

I have ZERO experience with ruby whatsoever, so donโ€™t be freaked out here.

According to the official ruby docs, one of the recommended ways to install ruby is rbenv, so I followed their advice.

TIL: macOS systems have ruby installed by default, but ruby people strongly discourage using it. They even have a website for it! ๐Ÿ˜…

I suppose rbenv is rubyโ€™s equivalent to pyenv, to manage multiple installed ruby versions.

brew install rbenv ruby-build

You can check a stable version with the below command, and install one. I chose 3.1.4.

# list latest stable versions:
rbenv install -l
# install a Ruby version:
rbenv install 3.1.4

Set the version you have installed to the global version, and check whether your ruby is looking at the one we just installed, instead of the system ruby.

rbenv global 3.1.4
# should NOT be /usr/bin/ruby, but something like /Users/username/.rbenv/shims/ruby
which ruby

As I use zsh, I added the rbenv init command to .zshrc.

echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/rbenv init - zsh)"' >> ~/.zshrc

Check everything is in place. Gem is rubyโ€™s package manager which should already have been installed together with your ruby installation.

ruby -v
gem -v

Time to install jekyll.

gem install jekyll

Fork theme repo

From here follow chirpy docโ€™s getting started guide. Very instructive and well-illustrated.

Out of the two choices given by chirpy (chirpy starter, GitHub fork), I have chose to GitHub fork for customization. Clone your forked repository to local and work from there.

Note that the repository name after forking must be renamed to [GitHub username]

If your branch and origin/master has diverged and conflicting after the bash tools/init command, accept YOURS(local master) to resolve conflicts as it has removed unnecessary files.

Local testing & tweaking

Local changes to view your changes live can be done with the following command.

bundle exec jekyll s


Deployment is smoothly available with triggering GitHub Actions on the top of your repository page. Usually any pushes to the master branch will trigger a new GitHub CICD action, but you can also trigger manually.

Optional: Customize LNB

Although everything is simple and smooth now, I wanted to tweak the left navigation bar so that:

  • It has a background image
  • Text colors are lighter to match the background

I am no css expert, so I had to tweak _sass/addon/commons.scss line by line, and deploy locally to see each selectorโ€™s effect.

Specific changes can be seen here in my commit.

Write awesome posts

Please refer to chirpyโ€™s writing guide for chirpy-specific and jekyll-specific syntax for writing posts, but generally posts are Markdown files and thus generally follow Markdown syntax.

Korean Equivalent Post

Jekyll๊ณผ chirpy ํ…Œ๋งˆ ํ™œ์šฉํ•ด ๋ธ”๋กœ๊ทธ ์…‹์—…ํ•˜๊ธฐ


Please feel free to point out any inaccurate or insufficient information. Also, please feel free to leave any questions or suggestions in the comments. ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.